Wednesday 16 March 2011

Expedition Prep

It has been a cold, foggy pea souper of a day here in North Yorkshire , been for a long run then got back and settled down to some exped preperations.

First of all photocopying the west coast of Scotlands tidal streams atlas then transferring all the constants for varies areas to it, using Ullapool as the main port then adding the high and low tides.
Saving on weight better than carrying  carry a load of books with me, more room for food.

Also received some high calorie de-hydrated foods from Expeditions foods very light weight,  this will be complemented with fresh food on the journey.

Also very important the ordering of a midge net from Kari-Tek as the fierce little buggers will be rearing they little heads as I go on my journey in May, nothing worse than being bitten to death as you make camp on an evening.

Ho and ive been a bit naughty and ordered myself a new touring cag from Reed Chillcheater  nice bright yellow and black. Watch out for pictures sporting the new attire

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